NOTE: Several of the links below are
to the newspaper "La Prensa Grafica", which changed the addresses
of all its articles prior to November, 2012. We will work to update
the links. In the mean time, the interested reader can locate a now-inaccessible
item using the search box in
August 19 - 23, 2013
News about the discovery by FUNDAR of feline sculptures (probably
jaguars) at Cihuatán
Media in El Salvador
representaciones de jaguares en Cihuatán
descubren figuras de jaguar en Cihuatán
raros jaguares de barro en Cihuatán
arqueológico en Cihuatán, Aguilares
hallazgo en Cihuatán
piezas arqueológicas en Cihuatán
descubrimientos. El último hallazgo de figuras de jaguar en Cihuatán
se realizó en 1929, hace aproximadamente 84 años.
fragmentos de esculturas mayas en Cihuatán
Internacional News
of Maya Jaguar Sculptures Found in El Salvador (Revista Archaeology,
fragmentos de esculturas mayas en El Salvador (México)
restos de esculturas de felinos en parque arqueológico salvadoreño
(Costa Rica)
of Mayan Jaguar Sculptures Found in El Salvador (USA)
Jaguar Sculptures Discovered In El Salvador At Cihuatan Ceremonial
Center (USA)
of Mayan jaguar sculptures found (India)
Jaguars Discovered in El Salvador [PHOTOS] (United Kingdom)
of Mayan Jaguar Sculptures Found In El Salvador (USA)
160 fragmentos de esculturas felinas en Cihuatán de El Salvador
in El Salvador. Forscher finden seltene Jaguar-Figuren der Maya
Salvador ontdekt overblijfselen uit Mayacultuur (Holland)
jaguar-sculpturen van de Maya ontdekt (Holland)
jaguarbeeldjes van de Maya's ontdekt (Belgium)
al mítico jaguar descubren en ciudadela maya en El Salvador (China)
June 10, 2013
rescate de bienes arqueológicos en Colón. Las piezas encontradas datan
del periodo Clásico Tardío (Salvaging archaeological
materials in Colon. The pieces found date to the Late Classic period)
May 29, 2013
vuelo a través de la historia (A flight through history
[aviation museum])
May 15, 2013
sorbo de café con historia (A sip of coffee with history)
May 14, 2013
hallazgo de al menos 87 restos fósiles de animales en El Salvador
(Discovery of at least 87 fossil animal remains in El Salvador)
resultados de excavación. Según informó SECULTURA, en total se recuperaron
87 fósiles en el sitio paleontológico de Nueva Apopa
(Excavation results presented. According to SECULTURA, a total of
87 fossils were found in the Nueva Apopa paleontological site)
May 4, 2013
erupcionó el lago de Ilopango? (When did Ilopango erupt?)
April 21, 2013
tercera Feria Maya del Cacao (Third Maya Cacao Fair to
be held)
Abril 8, 2013
jaguares o murciélagos? (Are they jaguars or bats? [discussion
about Preclassic "jaguar" head sculptures])
Abril 6, 2013
hallazgos de zona de Chalchuapa (Discoveries at Chalchuapa
presented [including "jaguar" heads and a possible stela
March 5, 2013
"Diálogos sobre identidades compartidas en Mesoamérica".
Considerado toda una eminencia, Alfredo López Austin dará conferencias
magistrales en el país (Inauguration of "Dialogues
on shared identities in Mesoamerica". Considered an eminence,
Alfredo López Austin will give keynote conferences)
March 2, 2013
lo profundo del mar al MUTE. Ayer fue inaugurada la exposición “Arqueología
Subacuática” en este museo de Santa Tecla (From the depths
of the sea to the MUTE. Yesterday the exhibit Subaquatic Archaeology
was inaugurated in this museum in Santa Tecla)
February 23, 2013
fósil de mastodonte en un nuevo sitio paleontológico salvadoreño
(A mastodon fossil discovered in a new Salvadoran paleolontological
21 de febrero, 2013
busca crear museo de réplicas fósiles (Apopa seeks to
create a museum of fossil replicas)
January 20, 2013
del SS San Blas (arqueología subacuática) (News about
the S.S. San Blas [subaquatic archaeology])
January 7, 2013
consume iglesia San Esteban en San Salvador (Fire destroys
the San Esteban church in San Salvador)
acaban con una de las iglesias más antiguas del país
(Flames eliminate one of the country's oldest churches)
Salvador pierde otro monumento (San Salvador loses another
One of the oldest structures
in San Salvador burned to the ground: the San Esteban church. Left:
the church in 2010 (photo by Paul Amaroli); one of its bell towers
collapsed years before due to neglect. Center: the fire of January
7, 2013 (photo by Mauro Arias, El Faro). Left: the building was completely
destroyed (photo by Ericka Chávez, El Diario de Hoy). Firefighters
arrived promptly but found that a nearby hydrant did not work.
December 21,, 2012
Salvador celebra el Baktun maya (El Salvador celebrates
the Maya Baktun)
December 18, 2012
de Cultura recibe temascal ancestral en Joya de Cerén (The
Secretaría de Cultura receives an ancestral temascal)
December 17, 2012
de Cultura descubre estructura prehispánica en San Andrés
(The Secretaría de Cultura discovers a prehispanic structure at San
December 15, 2012
Héctor Ismael Sermeño, anterior
Director Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, publica disculpas por la
destrucción en el sitio arqueológico El Cambio (Héctor
Ismael Sermeño, former National Director of Cultural Heritage, publishes
apology for destruction at the El Cambio archaeological site)
El Cambio is a mid-sized archaeological
site originally with several pyramids (at least two now destroyed)
and other structures whose significant occupation was in the Late
Classic period. Some have considered that nearby Joya de Ceren may
have been subject to El Cambio. In 2004, FUNDAR denounced that the
El Cambio site was threatened with destruction by a housing project
(our report can be read by clicking
here), and a chorus of objections followed from other institutions
and individuals. Nevertheless, an already small area designated
as "protected" was reduced to the very base of the main
pyramid,, bulldozers opened streets and some houses were built.
Legal actions eventually attributed responsability to the owner,
Mario Sol Bang, who however was later (May, 2012) absolved, and
to Héctor Ismael Sermeño who was required to publish this public
But the most important issue has yet
to be clarified: what is to be the future of this archaeological
site? Will the houses be removed and the site protected in an archaeological
park? Or will the destruction be allowed to continue?
November 25, 2012
lanza nueva ruta turística Nahuat Pipil (Corsatur [part
of the Ministry of Tourism] launches the new Nahuat Pipil tourism
The route is also called "The Red
Clay Trail" in reference to the pottery produced in the town
of Santo Domingo de Guzman. We are obliged to mention that the ancient
pottery tradition of this town has been subject to substantial changes
due to the interference of NGOs. Although well intentioned, these
NGOs have imposed new techniques instead of supporting the authenticity
of this tradition, destroying its authenticity. The potters who
refused to participate in these changes were denied access to the
deposit of clay which has been used since time immemorial. Forced
changes include: use of kilns instead of open firing, use of potter's
wheels instead of hand modeling, and the introduction of new forms
which are supposedly appealing to tourists (but few find them attractive)
instead of creating traditional pots, comales (clay griddles) and
other traditional products. Another important traditional pottery
town, Guatajiagua, has fallen victim to similar changes forced by
NGOs, which also threatened to cut off access to the local clay
deposit to those who wanted to continue their indigenous tradition.
It would be commendable that Corsatur help support the survival
of authentic indigenous traditions in these and other communities.
November 21, 2012
Archaeology of Cihuatán" by Karen Bruhns y Paul Amaroli published
November 20, 2012
AccesArte presentó "El legado náhual-pipil de María de Baratta"
de los académicos Rafael Lara-Martínez y Rick McCallister (The
AccesArte Foundation presented "The Nahua-Pipil legacy of María
de Baratta by scholars Rafael Lara-Martínez and Rick McCallister)
November 18, 2012
sala de arqueología en museo (Inauguration of archaeology
August 27, 2012
rescatar lengua potón (lenca salvadoreño). Solo queda un hablante
en Guatajiagua y dos cartillas del idioma (Efforts to
save the Potón language [Salvadoran Lenca]. Only one speaker remains
in Guatajiagua and their are two publications about the language).
June 28, 2012
ciudad aparecida”, en el Museo de Quelepa (The "city
which has appeared" in the Museum of Quelepa)
fósiles de mastodonte (Mastodon fossils discovered)
June 8, 2012
coleccionista de los lencas (The collector of the Lencas)
June 6, 2012
Eduardo Góchez, nuevo director en Museo Nacional de Antropología
(Architect Eduardo Góchez, new director of the National
Museum of Anthropology)
June 3, 2012
de piezas arqueológicas, un negocio rentable en El Salvador
(Traffic of archaeological pieces is a viable business in El Salvador)
May 17, 2012
exonera de dañar patrimonio a Sol Bang (Court exonerates
Sol Bang from having damaged [cultural] heritage)
de lo Penal absuelve a condenado en caso El Cambio (Criminal
court absolves man condemned in the El Cambio case)
These articles concern the El Cambio
archaeological site, located near Joya de Cerén. El Cambio has been
described as a "secondary regional center" which, during
the Late Classic period, would have had a mid-level hierarchical
role in the Zapotitán Valley, above small centers such as Joya de
Cerén, and subordinate to the regional capital of San Andrés. El
Cambio was recorded in the 1970s. In the 1990s it was singled out
as a future archaeological park. In 2004, FUNDAR alerted authorities
that work had begun on a new subdivision which would destroy the
site (click here for more information).
Up to now, although two people have been accused of destroying part
of the site, the subdivision continues to expand. Measures to effectively
protect this site have yet to be applied.
April 19, 2012
287 piezas arqueológicas en aeropuerto de El Salvador (287
archaeological pieces confiscated in the El Salvador airport)
arqueológicas confiscadas por PNC son de origen prehispánico
(Archaeological pieces confiscated by the National Police are of prehispanic
entrega piezas decomisadas [al MUNA](National Police
delivers confiscated pieces [to the National Museum])
These articles report an unprecedented
case: the confiscation of archaeological pieces which apparently
had been repatriated to El Salvador
March 30, 2012
SEC, más cerca del templo principal [de Tazumal] (The
Secretaría de Cultura, closer to the main temple [of Tazumal])
February 12, 2012
patrimonio subacuático (Subaquatic heritage will be protected)
February 10, 2012
investigaciones en Palacio de Cihuatán (Investigations
to begin in the palace of Cihuatán)
los secretos del palacio de Cihuatán (Seeking the secrets
of the palace of Cihuatán)
palacio de Cihuatán a punto de revelar sus secretos (The
palace of Cihuatán on the verge of revealing its secrets)
February 9, 2012
Granadino, nueva Secretaria de Cultura (Magdalena Granadino,
new Secretary of Culture)
a Magdalena Granadino como nueva Secretaria de Cultura
(Magdalena Granadino is sworn in as new Secretary of Culture)
Secretaria de Cultura promete poner la cultura en la agenda nacional
(New Secretary of Culture promises to place culture on
the national agenda)
February 8, 2012
historia de la moneda
January 10, 2012
mujeres del barro. La alfarería lenca aún está presente en Guatajiagua.
Las mujeres se han encargado de mantenerla viva. (Women
of clay. Lenca pottery is still present in Guatajiagua. Its women
have kept it alive)
December 7th, 8th, and 9th,
El Centro de Estudios Mayas (UNAM)
celebra el ciclo de conferencias "Arqueología de las tierras
altas y la costa de Guatemala y El Salvador" (The
Center of Maya Studies (UNAM) hosts conferences under the title Archaeology
of the Highlands and Coast of Guatemala and El Salvador)
November 11, 2011
IV Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología en el Museo Nacional de
Antropología “Dr. David J. Guzmán”, discurso por el Dr. Ramón Rivas
(The IV Central American Congress of Archaeology in the National Museum,
a speech by Dr. Ramón Rivas)
November 9, 2011
el IV Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología (The IV
Central American Congress of Archaeology has begun)
el IV Congreso de Arqueología, conferencia magistral por el Dr. Oswaldo
Chinchilla (Inauguration of the IV Congress of Archaeology
featuring a conference by Dr. Oswaldo Chinchilla)
web dedicado al IV Congreso Centroamericano de Arqueología, con resúmenes
de las ponencias y otra información (Link to the
website of the IV Central American Congress of Archaeology, with abstracts
and other information).
October 29, 2011
de la religión en el Muna (The imprint of religion at
the MUNA)
museo en la villa de Quelepa (A museum opens at Quelepa)
October 27, 2011
la expo subacuática (Subacuatic exhibit opens)
October 17, 2011
dañan sitio San Andrés y mantienen en peligro parte del Patrimonio
Nacional (Rain damages the San Andrés site and jeopardizes
part of national heritage)
October 16, 2011
exhibirá piezas de barcos naufragados (The National Museum
will exhibit pieces from shipwrecks)
lo profundo del mar al MUNA (From the ocean's depths
to the MUNA)
October 11, 2011
verificará sitio arqueológico Joya de Cerén en El Salvador (UNESCO
will verify [sic] the Joya de Cerén archaeological site in El Salvador)
September 12, 2011
indígena del país en nuevo documental (Nation's indigenous
identity in new documentary)
August 18, 2011
de Izalco (The Pipil of Izalco)
August 17, 2011
sacbé en Joya de Cerén (A "sacbé" discovered
at Joya de Cerén)
August 9, 2011
acerca de la cultura pipil (Conferences about the Pipil
July 12, 2011
arqueológicos en terreno de universidad (Archaeological
remains found on unversity grounds)
July 8, 2011
sitio arqueológico de Las Mataras, en San Francisco Morazán, Chalatenango
(The Las Mataras archaeological site in San Francisco Morazán, Chalatenango)
June 28, 2011
hallazgos en Joya de Cerén (New finds at Joya de Cerén)
June 25, 2011
nuevos sitios arqueológicos. En Ataco hay dos lugares ricos en arqueología,
según la Secretaría de Cultura (New archaeological sites
will be protected. According to the Secretaría de Cultura there are
two localities in Ataco rich in archaeology)
June 18, 2011
estudian piezas halladas en Ataco (Archaeologists study
pieces found at Ataco)
encontrados deben ser patrimonio del pueblo [Ataco] (The
artifacts which have been found should be part of the town's heritage
June 16, 2011
ex director de CONCULTURA fue condenado a trabajos de utilidad por
permitir daños irreparables al patrimonio de la humanidad [caso sitio
arqueológico El Cambio] (An ex-director of CONCULTURA
was sentenced to community service for allowing irreparable damage
to world heritage [El Cambio archaeological site])
a exdirector Patrimonio y empresario [caso destrucción sitio arqueológico
El Cambio] (Ex-director of cultural heritage and businessman
sentenced for destruction at the El Cambio archaeological site)
June 15, 2011
arqueológico en San Sebastián Salitrillo (Archaeological
find at San Sebastián Salitrillo)
June 14, 2011
arqueológicos, bajo riesgo en el país (Archaeological
sites at risk in El Salvador)
June 6, 2011
robo de figuras en lago de Güija [sitio arqueológico Igualtepeque]
(Theft of petroglyphs reported at Lake Güija [Igualtepeque archaeological
In 2006, FUNDAR recommended a series of urgent actions to protect
the Igualtepeque archaeological site. You can read about this by
clicking here.
June 4, 2011
por supuesto sitio arqueológico [Los Tablones, Ataco]
(Conflict over supposed archaeological site [Los Tablones, Ataco])
pide evitar afectar sitio arqueológico (SECULTURA calls
to avoid affecting archaeological site)
sobre destrucción en sitio arqueológico (Destruction
at archaeological site reported)
May 27, 2011
conferencia sobre hallazgos arqueológicos en Morazán (Conference
about archaeological discoveries in Morazán).
May 21, 2011
piloto en avioneta accidentada en Cihuatán (Pilot killed
in plane crash at Cihuatán)
piloto al caer avioneta en Cihuatán (Pilot dies when
plane crashes at Cihuatán)
Note: Our condolences to the family. The pilot was the sole
victim. The plane fell less than 100 meters from the site museum.
No superficial archaeological features were affected.
May 13, 2011
a exdirector de Patrimonio Cultural [sitio arqueológico El Cambio]
(Ex-director of Cultural Heritage goes to trial [the
El Cambio archaeological site]
FUNDAR reported the impending subdivision of the El Cambio archaeological
site in 2004. You can read the report by clicking here.
May 6, 2011
daños ante la Fiscalía [Sitio de Jesús] (Damage at the
Sitio de Jesús site denounced before the Attorney General)
May 5, 2011
Guazapa - Secretaría de Cultura: Fiscalía y PNC no detienen destrucción
de sitio arqueológico. Ha pasado una semana de la denuncia oficial;
los daños en el Sitio de Jesús continúan (In Guazapa
- Secretaría de Cultura: the Attorney General and National Police
have not stopped destruction at archaeological site. A week has passed
since the official denouncement; the damage at Sitio de Jesús continue)
protección en el Sitio de Jesús (Sitio de Jesús without
ante Fiscalía daños en sitio arqueológico "Sitio de Jesús"
(Damage at the Sitio de Jesús archaeological site are
denounced before the Attorney General)
April 29, 2011
destrucción de sitio arqueológico [Sitio de Jesús] (Destruction
of the Sitio de Jesús archaeological site is denounced)
ante FGR destrucción parcial de patrimonio arqueológico [Sitio de
Jesús] (The partial destruction of archaeological heritage
[the Sitio de Jesús site] is denounced before the attorney general)
arqueológica: invisibilización de la historia (Archaeological
destruction: making history disappear)
presented by FUNDAR to the Secretaría de Cultura about damage and
destruction at the Sitio de Jesús archaeological site
March 25, 2011
descrito por el Dr. Darío González en 1895 (Tehuacán
described by Dr. Darío González in 1895)
March 9, 2011
escalinata del periodo clásico temprano en Tazumal (An
Early Classic stairway found at Tazumal)
February 12, 2011
hallazgo en sitio arqueológico Tazumal (New discovery
at the Tazumal archaeological site)
February 10, 2011
rescate del patrimonio bajo el mar (To the rescue of
undersea heritage)
conservar patrimonio subacuático (They aim to preserve
subaquatic heritage)
February 7, 2011
nuevas excavaciones en pirámides del Tazumal (New excavations
being at Tazumal's pyramids)
en la búsqueda del templo principal sepultado en el Tazumal (Secretaria
de Cultura in search of the buried temple of Tazumal)
January 21, 2011
obra de relatos pipiles (Book of Pipil stories published)
January 20, 2011
presentan informe sobre lengua Nahuat-Pipil (Report presented
today about the "Nahuat-Pipil" language)
January 19, 2011
rescata filosofía pipil (Book salvages Pipil philosophy)
January 6, 2011
nueva directora en el Museo Nacional (New director appointed
to the National Museum)
January 5, 2011
la sala 3 del Muna (The National Museum's Hall 3 to be
December 23, 2010
nuevo inicio paralos pueblos originarios [ceremonia en San Andrés].
(A new beginning for native peoples [ceremony in San
December 22, 2010
la lengua náhuat (The Nahuat language is reborn)
reciben diploma por curso náhuat (Teachers receive a
diploma for a class about Nahuat).
December 16, 2010
conservación del patrimonio cultural. El MUA lanzó su segundo número
de la revista de museología en El Salvador (Kóot: conservation
of cultural heritage. The MUA [Museum of Anthropology, Universidad
Tecnológica] announces the second edition of its museography journal).
December 3, 2010
nuevas investigaciones en sitio arqueológico de Cihuatán (New
investigations at the Cihuatán archaeological site are announced)
presunta plataforma de baile en Cihuatán. La nueva temporada de investigaciones
fue inaugurada hoy por la Fundación Nacional de Arqueología (Fundar)
(A presumed dance platform will be restored at Cihuatán.
The new field season was inaugurated today by the National Foundation
of Archaeology, FUNDAR)
reabre investigación en CIHUATÁN. Una nueva etapa de investigaciones
ha comenzado en el parque arqueológico Cihuatán. Se analizará la estructura
P-9, que presuntamente se cree era utilizada como una plataforma de
bailes o un adoratorio (Investigations are reopened at
Cihuatán. A new phase of investigations has begun at the Cihuatán
Archaeological Park. Structure P-9 will be studied, which is believed
to have been used as a dance platform or adoratorio)
To read
the press bulletin for this event, click here.
November 19, 2010
recibe más de 350 piezas (Secretaría de Cultura receives
more than 350 archaeological pieces)
November 11, 2010
Sitio Arqueológico San Andrés (San Andrés Archaeological
Site is Renovated)
November 7, 2010
hay nadie que sepa más de náhuat que yo (Nobody knows
more about Náhuat than me [profile of Jorge Lemus])
October 29, 2010
Nacional de Cultura para investigador de náhuat (National
Prize for Culture awarded to investigador of Náhuat)
Lemus gana premio de cultura (Jorge Lemus wins culture
October 28, 2010
piezas arqueológicas (Exhibit of archaeological pieces)
October 18, 2010
falla fue el daño a Cihuatán (The first failure was the
damage to Cihuatán)
October 15, 2010
sitios propuestos para Patrimonio de la Humanidad [Cihuatán y Ciudad
Vieja] (Two sites proposed for World Heritage [Cihuatán
and Ciudad Vieja])
la ciudad de un conflicto (Cihuatán, a city of conflict)
October 14, 2010
indígena recibe apoyo del BID (Indigenous community receives
support from Inter-American Development Bank)
October 13, 2010
congreso indígena con el ritual del Fuego Sagrado (Indigenous
congress celebrated with ritual of sacred fire)
September 30, 2010
"La Memoria Vive" abre sus puertas en Suchitoto (The
"Living Memory" Museum opens its doors in Suchitoto)
September 29, 2010
a ex funcionario de Concultura por daños a sitio arqueológico
(Former official of Concultura arrested for damages to archaeological
site [El Cambio])
a ex director de Patrimonio Cultural. FGR acusa a Héctor Sermeño de
complicidad en daños de sitio arqueológico (Ex-director
of cultural heritage is arrested. The attorney general accuses Héctor
Sermeño of complicity in damage to archaeological site)
September 15, 2010
a ciclo de charlas sobre mujeres indígenas (The public
is invited to a series of talks about indigenous women)
September 3, 2010
inicia construcción de su Museo Cultural (Izalco starts
construction of its cultural museum)
August 23, 2010
de Mangoré se quedan en el país (Mangoré's remains stay
in the country)
August 20, 2010
y El Salvador discutirán destino de restos de Mangoré (Paraguay
and El Salvador to discuss the fate of the remains of Mangoré)
escogió al país para quedarse" ("Mangoré chose
to remain in El Salvador")
para los salvadoreños ahora y siempre” ("Mangoré
is for Salvadorans, now and forever")
A rather long note is in order
about this important cultural figure and the current attempt to
appropriate his remains. Click
here to learn more about Agustín Barrios Mangoré.
de origen autóctono podrán ser inscritos en RNPN (Native
American surnames may now be officially registered)
August 19, 2010
de Santa Ana gana premio Fondo del Embajador para la Preservación
Cultural (The Santa Ana Cathedral wins the Ambassadors
Fund for Cultural Preservation)
August 13, 2010
de Izalco recibirán fondo del BID (Natives of Izalco
to receive fund from the Inter-American Development Bank)
August 10, 2010
gruta Espíritu Santo como joya ancestral (The Espíritu
Santo rock shelter is protected as an ancestral jewel)
August 9, 2010
salvadoreños piden reconocimiento constitucional (Salvadoran
native peoples ask for constitutional recognition)
August 2, 2010
Historia escrita en piedra (Corinto:
History written in stone)
proyecto con varias artistas (A
project with several artists)
Two articles about the archaeological project at the Gruta
del Espíritu Santo (Corinto), a site with rock art and, possibly,
Archaic period occupation.
July 12, 2010
continúa en Cihuatán: se firma convenio de cooperación con la Secretaría
de Cultura (FUNDAR continues
at Cihuatán: a cooperative agreement is signed with the Secretaría
de Cultura)
July 8-10, 2010
on cultural heritage
proposal presented at the Forum, entitled "Acciones prioritarias
para la protección del patrimonio arqueológico" (Priority actions
for the protection of archaeological heritage). This written version
was presented to the Forum's organizers on July 22, 2010.
June 22, 2010
de repatriación de piezas arqueológicas (Repatriation
ceremony for arqueological pieces)
June 18, 2010
lista roja de bienes culturales (Presentation of the
Red List of cultural property)
roja de bienes culturales en peligro de Centroamérica y México
(editorial on the Red List of cultura property, by Dr. Ramón Rivas)
List of Latin-American Cultural Objects at Risk (Description
by ICOM)
en la “Gruta del Espíritu Santo” en Corinto (Parte 1)
en la “Gruta del Espíritu Santo” en Corinto (Parte 2)
(Article in two parts about the investigations at the Gruta del Espíirtu
Santo rock shelter)
June 16, 2010
recupera piezas arqueológicas de El Salvador (USA recovers
archaeological pieces from El Salvador)
May 19, 2010
recupera 574 piezas prehispánicas. Formaron parte de la colección
del costarricense Leonard Patterson (Peru recovers 574
prehispanic pieces. They formed part of the collection of Leonard
Patterson of Costa Rica)
NOTE: According to an interview conducted by FUNDAR
with Alonso Huezo Córdoba (who long worked at the National Museum),
Leonard Patterson was very active in El Salvador during the 1960s.
Patterson is said to have scoured local collections and acquired
a large number of "exceptional" artifacts reputedly from
Chalchuapa, Atiquizaya, Ahuachapán, and elsewhere, which were then
sold in New York and possibly Europe. These artifacts apparently
included the Olmec sculpture now known as the "Young Lord",
which is attributed to Atiquizaya. It is astounding that this dealer
of archaeological heritage still remains active. If you wish to
learn more about this individual, you will find that a Google search
on "Leonardo Patterson" produces many interesting hits.
el museo de Joya de Cerén (The Joya de Cerén site museum
May 12, 2010
Salvador recupera piezas precolombinas (El Salvador recovers
precolumbian pieces)
de Patrimonio Cultural Salvadoreño (Repatriation of Salvadoran
cutlural heritage)
CBP and El Salvador celebrate recovery of pre-Columbian artifacts
in joint investigation into smuggling ring selling on E-Bay
Evaluation of recovered
artifacts by Karen Bruhns and Paul Amaroli, FUNDAR
30 de abril, 2010
artesanal de Izalco revive tradiciones (The traditional
gastronomy of Izalco revives traditions)
- April, 2010
of Cihuatán is destroyed (Section containing a narrative of events,
reports by FUNDAR, and news articles)
March 28, 2010
de patrimonio cultural, Santa Tecla y Suchitoto crearon un inventario
de expresiones culturales (Registry of cultural heritage;
Santa Tecla and Suchitoto create an inventory of cultural expressions)
March 8, 2010
protegiendo piezas antiguas salvadoreñas (Ancient Salvadoran
pieces will continue to be protected). This concerns the renewal of
the bilateral agreement between El Salvador and the United States
against illicit traffic of Salvadoran archaeological artifacts. This
agreement is referred to as a Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU.
El Salvador on Extension to Protect Archaeological Heritage
States and El Salvador Extend Agreement to Protect Archaeological
Heritage of El Salvador
description of the bilateral agreement (MOU)
The role of archaeologists
associated with FUNDAR in the creation and renewal of the bilateral
agreement (MOU)